PCI DSS v3.2.1 accredited
Credit Alert is a guardian who watches key items on your credit report and notifies you whenever there is critical change to your accounts.
TransUnion Credit Alert is a guardian who watches key items on your credit report and notifies you whenever there is critical change (e.g. new account opening) to your accounts for reducing the risk of identity theft and providing all-weather protection.
In general, victims of identity theft often don’t realize it until they have suffered financial losses. TransUnion Credit Alert, via SMS and/or Email notifications, is an effective tool to prevent fraudsters to misuse your identity. Although it won’t keep you away from being the target, but when the alert notifies you that there is change* on your credit report, this could be a fraudulent activity. This will help cut identity thieves off at the pass to minimize losses and keep your finances secure.
*Critical changes include:
Having the alert function fully activated offers protection to your personal identity. While cybercrime has been soaring with constantly changing scam techniques, identity theft is the most damaging one that may lead to immeasurable losses. Fraudsters could use your identity to apply for credit cards, car loans, or even open loan accounts under your name. Most victims don’t even know they are victims until they review their credit reports or being asked to repay the loans, by then it’ll be too late, and TransUnion Credit Alert is here to plug this loophole.
According to the TransUnion’s Consumer Pulse Study in Q2 2021, stolen credit card or fraudulent charges was the leading type of digital fraud, affecting 22% of Hong Kong consumers. TransUnion Credit Alert includes SMS and/or Email alerts. To take a step in maintaining your financial health, you can now sign up for our newly launched free email credit alert, which is the Basic Credit Alert Service, to protect your identity. Register now to safeguard your finances with TransUnion.
Registered member can check their recent credit alert notification in both desktop dashboard and in our mobile app.