PCI DSS v3.2.1 accredited
Enhance risk management, better predict performance and improve strategies with TransUnion Credit Scores.
Built from historical credit data, our scores are drawn from richer and more predictive data than any other risk scores in the market, giving banks and financial institutions an expansive view of their consumers.
Our renowned CreditVision® Score, which is Hong Kong’s local bureau generic score, is the most widely used credit risk score in the industry. Other bureau scores, such as Bankruptcy Score and Payment Capacity Score, have been serving different sectors of Hong Kong’s banking industry over the last two decades. We have also extended our score development expertise to help our customers build their own customised scores and models.
CreditVision Risk Score has become the industry standard for credit risk management and risk decisioning. It is widely used by all leading lenders in Hong Kong to facilitate objective, fast and reliable credit decisioning.
Early Default Score is specifically configured to promptly identify high-risk accounts which may default earlier than usual. By combining it with the CreditVision Risk Score to form the Early Default Solution, this solution can help you enhance risk assessment before acquiring customers.
CreditVision Debt Capacity Score is used to find the approximate monthly or annual income of a consumer.
Bankruptcy Score predicts the likelihood of bankruptcy over a 12-month period.
Payment Capacity Score predicts the total amount of payment a consumer makes over the next 12 months. You can use it to improve customer acquisition, adjust credit limit assignment and pricing, and provide superb customer experience.
Personal Loan Risk Score predicts the likelihood of a consumer defaulting on an unsecured personal loan over the next 12 months. This score can help you evaluate credit in initial applications and loan amount assessments.
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