PCI DSS v3.2.1 accredited
To gain a deeper understanding of changing consumer behaviors and other critical business issues, Francis Lau — TransUnion’s APAC Director of Research and Consulting – explains how important quality research is to gaining real market insight.
In an ever-evolving financial market, fierce competition and stricter regulations have created a pressing need for businesses to gain up-to-date insights into consumer behavior. With a rising number of younger consumers entering the market, organizations are under pressure to respond to the rapid rate of change, and it’s also the reason why we remain committed to growing our research capabilities to empower our customers to better serve theirs.
With dedicated teams to focus on specific market-relevant topics, we’ve already completed a financial hardship survey, to understand how consumers have been specifically affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
As a trusted research provider in the Hong Kong market, we continue to share our insights into the critical business issues and market dynamics at play. Our team of dedicated research analysts are able to take a holistic view of over 95% of the Hong Kong consumer to provide this important perspective.
Along with ongoing investment in our hardware and software capabilities, TransUnion’s vision is to provide critical, relevant and timely insights to our customers and consumers, so they’re able to solve problems effectively, take action and make informed decisions.
As we capture big data at volume, our team is able to deliver research results and accurate insights quickly. This responsiveness is combined with our keen eye for underlying challenges and trends affecting the market, which we believe is our core strength — and one that we will continue to use in serving our customers.
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