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Get extra 15% off on your private car insurance with a credit score pass




Offer on Private Car Insurance Product (“the Offer”)

General Terms and Conditions

  1. The Private Car Insurance is underwritten by Target Insurance Company Limited (“Target Insurance”). TransUnion Limited (“TransUnion”) will not be responsible for any disputes arising from policyholder using the insurance services provided by Target Insurance.
  2. The offer is 15% discount on online application of Target Insurance Private Car Insurance.
  3. The quota of the Offer is 400 from 10th September 2018 to 9th November 2018 (“Promotion Period”) on a first-come, first served basis. The Offer will be stopped once all quota is used up.
  4. The Offer is only applicable when Cover Note of Private Car Insurance is issued via Target Insurance’s Website during the Promotion Period.
  5. The Offer is only applicable on purchase Private Car Insurance via Target Insurance’s Website (
  6. The online quotation of Private Car Insurance provided by Target Insurance’s Website will only be valid for one month from the quotation date.
  7. The Offer is only applicable to Individual proposer, Company proper is not eligible.
  8. The Offer is only applicable to new customers of Target Insurance, and each proposer is entitled to the Offer one time only.
  9. The Offer is not applicable to policyholder who renews the existing Private Car Insurance policy with Target Insurance.
  10. Proposer will be eligible to enjoy the Offer only if he/she has credit score of grade A to E from their TransUnion credit report that is issued within one month from the issue date of Cover Note issued by Target Insurance and submit the printed version of page 2 of the TransUnion’s credit report.
  11. The proposer also accepted our General Terms and Conditions of this promotion by clicking “Next” on the purchase path of Private Car Insurance of Target Insurance’s Website (
  12. If proposer cannot provide a valid TransUnion credit report within one month from the issue date of Cover Note issued by Target Insurance, the Offer will be voided and customers have to pay the original premium.
  13. The name and HK Identity Card number printed on the TransUnion credit report must be the same as those of Individual proposer.
  14. The credit report data collected from the Offer will be deleted by Target Insurance within 2 month after the promotion period.
  15. The Offer is not exchangeable for cash and is not transferrable.
  16. The Offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers and discounts.
  17. The premium of Private Car Insurance is designated by Target Insurance’s Website and is subject to change from time to time without prior notice.
  18. In case of any dispute arising from the Offer, the decision of TransUnion and Target Insurance shall be final and conclusive.
  19. TransUnion and Target Insurance reserve the right to alter or terminate this Offer (in whole or in part) or amend the relevant terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
  20. All images are for reference only.






  1. 此私家車保險計劃由泰加保險有限公司(「泰加保險」)承保。環聯資訊有限公司(「環聯」)對任何投保人與泰加保險之間因保險計劃而產生的爭議不會承擔任何義務或責任。
  2. 此優惠為泰加保險私家車保險計劃的網上85折優惠。
  3. 此優惠有效日期為2018年9月10日至2018年11月9日(「優惠期」) ,名額400個 ,先到先得; 名額滿後此優惠將馬上終止。
  4. 此優惠只適用於優惠期內在泰加保險網站獲取臨時保單的申請人。
  5. 此優惠只適用於透過泰加保險網站( 購買私家車保險計劃。
  6. 透過泰加保險網站獲取的私家車保險計劃報價有效期為一個月,逾期無效。
  7. 此優惠只適用於個人投保身份,公司投保身份恕不接受。
  8. 此優惠只適用於泰加保險的全新客戶,每位投保人只可於推廣期內換領此優惠一次。
  9. 此優惠不適用於在泰加保險保單續保的保單持有人。
  10. 投保人必需提供於泰加保險網站獲取臨時保單的繕發日期起計一個月內的環聯信貸報告,並獲取A至E的信貸評分,及提交有效的環聯信貸報告的第二頁,方可享用此優惠。
  11. 投保人於泰加保險網站索取報價頁面( 按「下一步」時同時代表同意此「一般條款及細則」。
  12. 若投保人未能於獲取臨時保單文件後一個月內提交有效的環聯信貸報告的第二頁,此優惠將會作廢,投保人需支付優惠前的原定保費。
  13. 投保人提供的環聯信貸報告上的姓名和香港身份證號碼須與投保人的資料一致。
  14. 泰加保險會於優惠期後兩個月內刪除從此優惠中收集的信貸報告數據。
  15. 此優惠不可兌換成現金及不可轉讓他人。
  16. 此優惠不可與其他優惠項目同時使用。
  17. 泰加保險的私家車保險計劃保費以泰加保險網站所載的價錢為準,價格可能不時調整,而毋須另行通知。
  18. 若因此優惠而產生任何爭議,環聯及泰加保險保留最終及不可推翻的決定權。
  19. 環聯及泰加保險保留於任何時間可更改或終止此優惠(全部或部份)或修訂相關條款及細則的權利,而不作任何事先通知。
  20. 所有圖片只供參考.

Get extra 15% off on your private car insurance with a credit score pass

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